The Aphasia Corner

Get the latest stroke and aphasia information, resources, tips and news from the Lingraphica team. If we can help you find specific information or you need assistance in any way, please contact us anytime. Check back often for new content!

Three Devices: So What's the Difference?

Speech-generating devices are at the core of what Lingraphica offers to those with aphasia and other speech disorders. You may know that we offer three devices, but do you know what the differences among them are? More importantly, if you could benefit from a device, do you know which one would best suit you? Read on to find out!

Are YOU a Lingraphica Rockstar?

Are you or your loved one a rockstar with a Lingraphica device? Has communication improved with using it? We invite you to share what you've proudly learned to do with the device...and give HOPE to others with aphasia! 

Tech Talk Q&A with Lingraphica August 2018

In February, we published a blog post requesting our current customers and potential customers to ask us any questions you may have about our business. This month, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we received.

Making the Customer Experience a Top Priority

At Lingraphica, we are deeply committed to partnering with individuals on their communication journey. To honor that commitment, we’ve created a new Customer Service department and training program, dedicated to answering questions about aphasia, our products, and available resources, as well as personalized device training. Read on for the details and what this means for you.

Tech Talk Q&A with Lingraphica July 2018

In February, we published a blog post requesting our current customers and potential customers to ask us any questions you may have about our business. This month, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we received.

July 2018 ACE Webinar

We're excited to invite you to register for our ACE webinar this month! If you haven't yet signed up for a webinar and have a new Lingraphica device, we urge you to join us! Watch the video below to learn more about the webinar and how to register!

Tech Talk Q&A with Lingraphica June 2018

In February, we published a blog post requesting our current customers and potential customers to ask us any questions you may have about our business. This month, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we received.

June 2018 ACE Webinar

We're excited to invite you to register for our ACE webinar this month! If you haven't yet signed up for a webinar and have a new Lingraphica device, we urge you to join us! Watch the video below to learn more about the webinar and how to register!

Speech Therapy Apps: 8 Free Ones to Try

Individuals with speech, language, or cognitive deficits can greatly benefit from the massive amount of speech therapy apps on the market. Apps can provide a context for communication and easily accessible ways to facilitate the achievement of therapy goals. Plus, research shows that additional practice outside of speech therapy has been shown to help individuals make advancements and improve their speech skills. 

Tech Talk Q&A with Lingraphica May 2018

In February, we published a blog post requesting our current customers and potential customers to ask us any questions you may have about our business. This month, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we received.