Dealing with aphasia can be a long, hard road for many. Thankfully, there are organizations dedicated to helping and supporting that journey. Meet Brooks Rehabilitation Aphasia Center and the services it provides to people who have aphasia.
April 3, 2017
| by Amy Georgeadis & Angie Maher
Dealing with aphasia can be a long, hard road for many. Thankfully, there are organizations dedicated to helping and supporting that journey. Meet the Stroke Comeback Center and the services it provides to people who have had a stroke.
February 28, 2017
| by Elissa Goldstein & Angie Maher
Dealing with aphasia can be a long, hard road for many. Thankfully, there are organizations dedicated to helping and supporting that journey. Meet the Adler Aphasia Center and the services it provides to people with aphasia.